Well its been a crazy long week of moving, unloading, moving, unpacking, moving, moving and more moving(sensing a theme here?! ha!) what feels like a million boxes but it feels like we are slowly getting settled in the new loft. Its currently jammed packed but I wanted to share a little mini tour of the new space as it was when we got the keys…

{Downstairs bedroom which will likely be an office}

{Upstairs loft which will likely be the bedroom}

{Eat-in kitchen which will likely not be “eat-in” at all}
Its so different from the 3 bedroom house we just moved out of but we couldn’t pass up these tall ceilings, fab kitchen, and open spaces. Its going to take all my creative mojo to reconfigure our household goods to make this loft work but Im super excited about the challenge. Now back to unpacking another pile of boxes!